Involve Your Team in Managing Technical Debt: A Guide for Startups

Sheldon Cohen
5 min readApr 23, 2023


Transform technical debt from a stumbling block to a stepping stone for growth and collaboration in your startup.

Technical debt, an inevitable part of software development, is often viewed as a hindrance in the fast-paced environment of startups. However, it can be turned into an opportunity for continuous improvement and enhanced team collaboration when addressed collectively. Here are some practical recommendations on engaging your team in managing technical debt, converting it from a liability to an asset.

Foster a culture of shared responsibility

Start by creating an environment where every team member understands that technical debt is everyone’s responsibility. Promote transparency and open communication about existing technical debt and its impact on the project. By fostering a culture of shared responsibility, you can take steps to ensure that your entire team is working towards being engaged in addressing the issues.

Educate your team on technical debt

Make sure all team members grasp the concept of technical debt and its importance. Offer resources or training sessions to help them identify and assess technical debt in their work. This will empower them to make informed decisions while striking a balance between immediate needs and long-term consequences.

Educating junior members on recognizing technical debt is crucial for their professional development and the overall health of your codebase. Here are some effective strategies to help junior developers identify and understand technical debt:

1. Conduct workshops and training sessions

Organize workshops or training sessions or lunch and learn sessions focused on technical debt. These sessions should cover the basics of technical debt, its causes, and its implications on software projects. Use real-life examples and case studies to illustrate the impact of technical debt on project outcomes.

2. Mentorship and pair programming

Pair junior developers with more experienced team members for mentorship and pair programming sessions. This allows them to learn from their seniors’ expertise and gain hands-on experience in identifying and addressing technical debt.

3. Code review sessions

Involve junior developers in code review sessions, where they can observe how more experienced developers identify and address technical debt. Encourage them to ask questions and participate in discussions, as this will enhance their understanding and ability to spot technical debt in the future.

4. Provide resources and reading materials

Share relevant articles, blog posts, and books on technical debt with junior developers. Encourage them to read and discuss these materials within the team, promoting a culture of continuous learning and knowledge-sharing.

5. Encourage participation in tech talks and conferences

Encourage junior developers to attend tech talks and conferences where they can learn from industry experts about technical debt, its management, and best practices. This exposure will not only deepen their understanding of technical debt but also help them stay up-to-date with the latest trends in software development. Sometimes there may be a cost involved, consider this an investment into your team and try to cover it.

6. Set up a knowledge-sharing platform

Create a knowledge-sharing platform, such as an internal wiki or discussion board, where team members can share their experiences, insights, and lessons learned about technical debt. This will enable junior developers to learn from their peers and contribute their own findings as they gain experience. Tools such as Confluence, StackOverflow for Teams, or Notion are easy to set up and manage.

Leverage Jira or a similar tool to integrate technical debt management into the development process

Incorporating a project management tool like Jira can significantly enhance the management of technical debt within your development workflow. Follow these steps to effectively integrate technical debt management into your development process:

1. Create a dedicated issue type for technical debt

In Jira, establish a custom issue type specifically for technical debt items. This allows your team to promptly identify and track technical debt, separate from other tasks.

2. Encourage team members to report and document technical debt

Train your team to use Jira for reporting and documenting technical debt items during development. This will help you maintain a comprehensive and organized record of existing technical debt.

3. Allocate time for addressing technical debt

Schedule regular time slots in your development sprints to tackle technical debt. Incorporate these tasks into your team’s workflow and prioritize them alongside new features and bug fixes.

4. Use Jira’s built-in prioritization and ranking features

Leverage Jira’s built-in prioritization and ranking features to help your team prioritize technical debt items based on their impact on the project. This allows your team to focus on high-impact items first, ensuring efficient use of resources.

Prioritize technical debt items

Assist your team in understanding the importance of prioritizing technical debt items based on their project impact. Develop a system to track, categorize, and prioritize technical debt items, involving the whole team in decision-making to guarantee everyone’s perspective is considered.

Celebrate progress and learn from setbacks

Acknowledge and celebrate your team’s efforts in addressing technical debt. Share success stories, learn from setbacks, and encourage a mindset of continuous improvement. This will help maintain motivation and show that managing technical debt is a valuable investment.

Set realistic expectations and goals

Accept that not all technical debt can be eliminated. Instead, concentrate on reducing the most critical items and establish realistic goals for improvement. Regularly reassess your priorities and adjust your goals as needed to ensure your team remains focused and motivated.

Collaborate across roles and departments

Technical debt isn’t exclusive to developers. Designers, product managers, and other stakeholders also play a vital role in managing it. Encourage cross-functional collaboration and knowledge-sharing to foster a deeper understanding of how technical debt affects the entire project and how different roles can contribute to its management.

Taking everything into account

Managing technical debt is a continuous process that demands the commitment and collaboration of the entire team. By involving everyone in the process and cultivating a culture of shared responsibility, startups and small teams can turn technical debt from a stumbling block into a stepping stone for growth and continuous improvement. With the right approach and mindset, your team can learn to effectively manage technical debt, ensuring a more sustainable and successful development process.

By engaging your team in the active management of technical debt and leveraging tools like Jira, you can optimize your development workflow and strengthen team cohesion. This not only leads to a healthier codebase but also fosters a culture of collaboration and continuous learning. Ultimately, this proactive approach to addressing technical debt will enable your startup or small team to thrive in a competitive landscape, delivering high-quality products and driving innovation.



Sheldon Cohen

Technology professional with 15+ years of software development